Pawpaw-Pineapple Sherbet
Pawpaw is an indigenous fruit to the U.S., its taste is similar to banana, and teamed up with pineapple, makes a wonderful sherbet.
Recipe Ingredients:
1 1/2 cups crushed pineapple
1 1/2 cups puréed pawpaw pulp
6 tablespoons lemon juice
1/2 cup orange juice
3/4 cup powdered sugar
2 large egg whites
1/4 teaspoon salt
Cooking Directions:
- Combine the fruits, juices, and sugar, and freeze in refrigerator trays until nearly firm.
- Beat egg whites and salt until stiff but not dry, and combine with the frozen fruit mixture. Beat sherbet until it is light and fluffy. Return to trays and freeze firm.
Makes 6 servings.
Recipe provided courtesy of Kentucky State University.